FACE Race Handbook
FACE Race Handbook
This FREE handbook is…
part of the ongoing learning that FACE founders deem essential for educators committed to systemic change. It aims to advance confidence, vocabulary, and work-place tools as part of a personal toolkit for educators tackling racism in our arts education system. We will unpack curriculum, module and assessment protocols within white-centric programming and each hold ourselves accountable to deliver urgent change.
Download our mentoring resource for white peers wishing to address decolonisation and anti-racism with confidence below.
Download and file your 53 page digital handbook with B/W images. Each book contains links to further tools and resources.
Download and print out your 43 page digital handbook without images. Each book contains links to further tools and resroueces.
Course Leaders download your PRESS RELEASE with links to the handbook and its resources here … Please to circulate this to each of your team members with your invite to engage.
See testimonials at bottom of the page.
FACE Race Handbook *CONTENTS*
FACE Race Handbook *CONTENTS*
1. Introduction
Why do we need an anti-racist assessment handbook?
2. Context
Basic Data
Top down/bottom up
Assessor mentoring
3. Terms and definitions
4. Getting started
Reflective Action: Radical learning, listening and personal reflection
FACE Mantra: Position, Power, Privilege and Purpose
FACE Pillars: Recruitment Progression, Curriculum, Culture and Policy
5. Recruitment
Employ more Black staff
Key questions for recruitment teams
6. Progression
Considering awarding gaps, retention, student support
7. Curriculum
Belonging and inclusivity
Whole Module Learning
Collaboration teamwork and resistance
8. Assessment
Designing the focus group framework and touchpoints
Creating a safe space
Microaffirmations into actions
Co-creation and gathering information
Create enhanced anti-racist strategy for assessment
9. Culture
How do we craft student experience and sense of belonging?
Attention, Intention, Activation
FACE Pillar: Policy
FACE Race Handbook
Download your 53 page digital handbook with B/W images. Each book contains links to further tools.
Download your 43 page digital handbook without images. Each book contains links to further tools.
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Handbook testimonials
‘I recently reviewed the Handbook, and it is an excellent resource that enhances understanding of diversity and inclusion, particularly in areas such as recruitment, retention, progression, and course validation. I will be sharing it with all University Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion, encouraging its use and distribution among staff in their respective faculties and departments’.
Moni Akinsanya
Associate Director, Diversity and Inclusion
Liverpool John Moores University
“Central Saint Martins supports the brilliant and important work of FACE. The FACE Race Handbook is an essential toolkit for all educators who want to critically reflect on their practice and develop inclusive teaching spaces for all. We all have a responsibility to check our own race bias and do the work towards providing equity for all staff and students. This guide is informative and accessible for educators – totally essential. At CSM we were honoured to host the inaugural Face Race Summit in 2022 and the second summit in 2023 and continue to support and champion the dedicated work of FACE and its members.”
Hywel Davies (he/him)
Dean M School CSM
“The FACE handbook is an invaluable resource for anyone working in fashion education. Many of us recognise the need for change but are unsure how to navigate anti-racist, decolonial approaches to teaching and curriculum development. The handbook carefully explores the problems, provides detailed context and offers practical solutions. It challenges our own preconceptions and biases, and suggests ways of challenging those of our students.”
Dr. Philip Clarke
Acting Programme Director | Fashion Course Leader | BA Fashion Communication | Central Saint Martins
“The new RACE FACE Handbook unpacks how equality can be enacted at every level of the education system and provides a roadmap to positive change. From the specifics of recruitment, curriculum and assessment to the broader culture of our institutions, this hugely valuable body of work allows us to redesign our approach from teaching practical and theoretical skills, to importantly building a more inclusive industry”.
Dr Rosie Wallin SFHEA
Sustainable Fashion Lead | BA and MA Programmes. Sustainability and UN SDG Lead | Westminster School of Arts
“I’ve just read through the Handbook, and it’s fantastic and will be a great resource for the Design School.
I will pass it on to my Heads of Departments for them to share it with their teams as well. This document should be used to help inform everything we do from the validation/revalidation of courses to the recruitment of staff and students.”
Mark Gower
Associate Professor | Acting Head of School of Design | Kingston School of Art
“The FACE Race Handbook has been a great reference and aid to my reading list for my PGCERT which I’m currently doing at UAL. The PGCERT has a module dedicated to inclusive practice and the handbook has been a real benefit towards improving my knowledge on the subject.”
Nicholas Dunn. Year 2 Leader, Senior Tutor of Textiles design | Chelsea College of Art | UAL
Visiting Lecturer / Researcher | The Royal College of Art | London
“Thank you FACE. This Handbook will be integrated as part of the fashion department’s responses and support for diversity across all courses and staffing.”
Tony Bednall
Associate Professor | Head of Department of Fashion | Kingston School of Art
“The Handbook has just been circulated across our Design School and wider through our EDI committee. Well done everyone its a fantastic resource.”
Mal James
Senior Lecturer in Fashion | Edinburgh College of Art | University of Edinburgh.