Join Us

Thinking of becoming part of the internationally recognised FACE Family? We have 2 membership options.

Group 1: FACE Members are Black, Brown and POC academics. We meet monthly to support each other whilst also progressing academic equality within fashion education. Be prepared to contribute your specialist skills and to pay a small annual membership fee of £40.00 which contributes to the running of all our projects and communication platforms. Next meeting link and date here.

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Group 2: FACE Associates are white academics as well as those those who don’t self identify with the above description and all students (students of colour particularly welcome), in partnership together. This working group will accelerate race equality progress, starting with the institution of each member. We meet monthly to support each other with initiatives, vocabulary and anti-racist work see our current projects here. From experience we must state that FACE is not a badge it is a passionate, connected family. Engaging in dialogue, taking concrete actions, and collaborating with diverse stakeholders are essential requirements of your membership.

Please also reflect on how your privilege may have shaped your experiences and perspectives. This self-awareness is crucial for engaging in discussions on race and supporting underrepresented individuals. Be prepared to contribute your specialist skills and to pay a small annual membership fee of £40.00 which contributes to the running of all our projects and communication platforms. Next meeting link and date here

NB Both groups get together at various points to celebrate our achievements. We have a Happy New Year get together and an Annual AGM. See your colleagues under members and associates

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