FACE Race Handbook

FACE Race Handbook

Coming Soon


This FREE handbook is part of the ongoing learning that FACE founders deem essential for educators committed to systemic change. It aims to advance confidence, vocabulary, and work-place tools as part of a personal toolkit for educators tackling racism in our arts education system. We will unpack curriculum, module and assessment protocols within white-centric programming and each hold ourselves accountable to deliver urgent change.

Why do we need an anti-racist assessment handbook?

As educators we recognise that university experience differs massively for each educator and learner. There are many influences that can impact on student or academic experience, including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, age, class, disability, religion and nationality. It goes without saying all of the above impacts on outcomes and progression.

This handbook digests important data and research relating to student lived experiences of racial discrimination in the university system, whilst also acknowledging difficult teaching environments for our Black colleagues, often burdened with the wellbeing of Black and racially minoritised students looking to be seen and heard.

Within the main body of the Free Downloadable Handbook are links specifically created to support further knowledge. Explore these as you go along. For example - Communicating with a sense of urgency requires confidence and clarity. Do we know our ‘white aware,’ from our ‘white saviourism,’ and white supremacy? Why ‘white,’ and not ‘White?’ Why ‘Black,’ and not ‘black’? How does ‘equity’ advance the ‘equality’ conversation? New and fluid vocabulary is needed so that we can all speak with conviction. Access your terms and definitions run down.

The FACE Race Handbook will be available on this page 8th July 2024

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