EDI Expectations
This companion page is one of many included in the See My Academic FACE survey findings - officially released November 24.
Featured first are Black and racially minoritised participant answers. Scroll down to see non minoritised or white participant answers to the same question.
The qualitative question below elicited answers answers across several themes
The fourth theme is EDI expectations
Please add any further insight into your lived experience as an academic/technician/
member of support staff in relation to ‘Race’. How, for example has ‘Race impacted your sense of feeling supported and valued as an educator?
Theme 4 is EDI expectations
Black and racially minoritised participant answers
19. People often assume I am a technician. Also have to be very firm when attempts to assign me technician work has happened dispite me being an academic lecturer. Also have to be firm when attempts are made to make me organise, DEI events, especially when the Black Lives Matter movement became popular
32. Satisfaction in performing the job role, so often taken for granted by white colleagues, was negatively impacted by my now growing lack in confidence in combination with limited coping mechanisms and has led to frustration in being additionally required to contribute towards race led educational strategies and decolonisation tactics, dressed up as suggestions for career support.
61. It’s all about ticking boxes! No one really knows what EDI work actually means.
“…have to be firm when attempts are made to make me organise, DEI events, especially when the Black Lives Matter movement became popular.”
65. A fractional post appeared which would encapsulate my existing role but they wanted me to split the role with wider EDI work for the whole dept. (work I was undertaking in my own sector outside of the institution because I had had little support or traction of any initiatives work I tried to support within the institution).
79. Institutionally the EDI rhetoric is great on paper but the reality is harder to pinpoint. The subtle insidious nature of microagressions is what I struggle to see in the moment.
Also I am tired of having to be on all the time to have to call things out to help the learning and change
80. I just want a day off from it all.
Non minoritised or white participant answers
165. There are very few POC technicians at my insitution. White men run the department I work in and obviously feel threatened by the presence of women. EDI here is a ridiculous badge that senior management like to wear to appear as if they care about their staff.